install isso from source
isso is a python developed, self-hosted comment system, it can help you manage the comments and send email to notify you on the new comments.
the source code of the isso is host on github.
How to
- here is the official tutorial here
- this article is my details to install the isso from source code.
Install from source
- install sqlite3(make sure your version is larger than 3.3.8).
- install nodejs and npm, bower.
- install the python isso module in a virtual env.
- compile the source js for your client end.
here is installation passed from the python2.7 version, node 0.10.41, npm 1.3.10.
1. install the sqlite3, python2.7, and virtual env.
sudo apt-get install sqlite3 python2.7 python2-pip
sudo pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
2. install the isso from source
# config the virtual env wrapper envirionment
# add this to your .bashrc
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
source /usr/local/bin/
# create the directory
mkdir ~/.virtualenvs
# restart the bash and create the virtual env
mkvirtualenv isso
# now you should in the isso virtual env
# download or clone this repository.
git clone
# install python isso module
cd isso
python install
3. compile the js file
# an easy easy way to install node and npm with apt
sudo apt-get install node npm
# or you can follow the steps of the official nodejs website.
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
# or install npm manually
curl -L | sudo sh
# create a link on ubuntu
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
# install bower after you have install node and npm
npm install -g bower
# inside the directory where the makefile exist.
make init
# check dependency
# you need to install all dependency installed under the python2.7
# version. make sure you install the dependency with the required
# version.
make check
# compile js code from source.
# this will compile the embed.min.js for your client side.
# if you can't see the embed.min.js inside the isso/isso/js after
# this command, you may get error of compilation.
# as I look details about the source code of isso, the isso just
# reference the js directory to find out the js file, so do not
# move or delect the source directory.
sudo npm install -g requirejs uglify-js jade
make js
4. run and test
# inside the isso virtual env
# use workon isso to shift to the isso virtual env you created.
isso run
# open the simple index.html inside the source directory.
# follow the official website for more usage details.
# if you can't comment or get some errors, just use the
# browser's develop tool to detect the error or contact
# other people like me to help you out.